In非典型的商院人心得byMarcus 張為淳推薦趁早打造好的LinkedIn檔案!對我來說比股票更重要的投資如果你想要成為怎麼樣的人或是培養怎麼樣的習慣,最好的方式就是進入一個那樣的圈子 — 原子習慣Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
Nishesh GogiaCan you Crack this Data-Science Interview?Hey folks, I hope you are doing well. Today I am gonna tell you a story. My personal story. So if you want to be a data scientist, you…Aug 4, 202316Aug 4, 202316
David Huang如何準備資料科學面試 1:統計、機率與機器學習篇以前我曾經寫過一篇顧問業「個案面試」(case interview) 的想法,後來有不少朋友私底下也詢問我如何準備「資料科學家」的面試,因此我想總結一下我自己過去找工作面試與以及擔任面試官的一些心得與想法。Jan 2, 20222Jan 2, 20222
DataLeakerYou Can Be a Data Scientist at Lyft — Interview Questions And Answers2023 — All Of the Questions I was AskedApr 3, 202310Apr 3, 202310
InStarbugs Weekly 星巴哥技術專欄byukyen半路出家的軟體工程師英國求職分享(上)這篇心得文拖了有點久,最近終於比較有時間來整理一下當初的面試過程。我是在2020年二月下旬飛到倫敦開始找工作,大約花了三週的時間找到目前任職的公司。那個時候倫敦疫情還沒完全爆發,是個還可以on-site面試的年代呢!:)內文偏長,所以將內容分為上下兩篇。Sep 22, 20212Sep 22, 20212
Jhih-Yuan Lin2022 ML Job Interview Experience in Taiwan (Amazon/Google)BackgroundJun 7, 20222Jun 7, 20222
Skyler Chen面試 C/C++ 觀念整理這裡有些題目是來自網路上MTK面試的C考古題,另外又加入了一些易搞混的觀念,幫自己統整一下,也希望能幫助在求職的讀者,面試的過程真的心很累啊!如果有寫錯的地方再麻煩告知我。Mar 1, 20205Mar 1, 20205
Huli獵人頭觀察報告這陣子正在找工作,目前已經塵埃落定決定好新東家了。這次求職主要使用的管道為 Linkedin,因此碰到了許多獵人頭,幾乎各大獵頭公司全部都聊過一輪。Apr 23, 20203Apr 23, 20203
Huli從自身經驗談談職涯上的選擇每到了程式導師實驗計畫進入尾聲的時候,就會有許多學生跟我討論 offer 選擇的問題,應該要去 A 公司還是 B 公司?對於這類型的問題,如果你預期我能給出一個確切的答案,沒錯,你是對的,確切的答案就是:「窩不知道」Nov 14, 20212Nov 14, 20212
Artem GoncharovGrokking the Mobile System Design InterviewNail the iOS/Android System Design InterviewJan 4, 202012Jan 4, 202012
InThe StartupbyShantanu KshireMy Preparation Journey for Google InterviewsAfter my recent interviews, I received offers from Google and Amazon. With this post, I will share everything about my preparation journey.Dec 24, 202025Dec 24, 202025
Meghanath NakkaHow to prepare for software engineer interviews at top tech companiesWho doesn’t like working for industry leading technology companies with a multi-hundred thousand dollar salary, and amazing perks(some…Feb 1, 20211Feb 1, 20211
Purvanshi MehtaInterview resources : ML/Data Science/AI Research EngineerA curated list of topics, resources and questionsFeb 15, 20218Feb 15, 20218
InJinal ParikhbyJinalPreparing for the Google SWE InterviewRecently, I interviewed for a few top companies like Amazon, LinkedIn, Adobe, Google- and finally accepted an offer from Google India…May 8, 20212May 8, 20212
Phong LeHow I got an offer from Facebook— End of ’22 Note: The article is shorten and improvised.Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021